Monday, November 21, 2011


Saturday I spent the day with some incredible women in Cardston Alberta Canada at the Women's Relaxer. I gave a presentation on facials. These are my notes on facials.

A facial cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin to promote clear, well-hydrated skin. A facial is the second most popular spa treatment after massage.

It varies from person to person. Ideally, get a facial monthly because that's how long it takes the skin to regenerate. Try to have a facial at least four times a year, as the season changes. You may need it more frequently if you are trying to clear up a case of acne, especially at the beginning. Otherwise, once a month is plenty. You can overdo it.

Healthy Looking Skin
"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. What do you want? An adorable pancreas?" -- Jean Kerr, American author and playwright

It's not enough to get a facial to keep your skin clear and beautiful. You need to have a great home skin-care routine. Here are the everyday habits you need to keep your skin beautiful:

1.      Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and leafy green. Good nutrition is the basic building block of healthy skin.
2.      Drink plenty of water every day. (I fill a carafe to remind myself.)
3.      Cut out skin-damaging habits like smoking, excessive drinking, tanning booths and excessive sun exposure
4.  Throw away the soap and use quality products that are right for your skin type. 
5.  Give yourself a home facial as often as once a month.
6.  Moistureize and clease every day
7.  If you are having problems with your skin that a facial doesn't help or worstens seek a dermatologist out

Facial Steps--when doing a facial avoid the eye area and be gentle with the scrup and masks
1. Cleanse or Scrup (avoid the eye area and work it all over your
face using gentle circular motions with your finger tips)—remove
with warm water

You should clease or scub once a day just before you go to bed, to
remove inpurities
Note: Over cleansing can cause an off balance with your skin,
cuasing it to prodcue more oil which can lead to breakouts

2. Toner (use with a cotton swab/pad)
Apply to just washed face to remove the lasty traces of cleanser or
scrubs. You can use this as a midday refreshner too

3. Steam or Mask--10-15 min
Steams are soothing and an aromatic way to deep cean your skin. It
opens pores while hydrating your skin. (Only to be used once a
Note: If your skin is having an break out, do not use this treatment.
The heat stimulates the skin and can aggravate the already irratated
Masks are an intesive treament onely to be used once a month

4. Eye Soothers--10-15 min
This step can be used at the same time as the Mask.

5. Moisturizer/Sunscreen
Favorite Recipes
1c witch hazel
1/4c white vinagar
Mix together--when using--use a cotton swab/pad to cover face and
immediatly remove by splashing warm water on your face and than
pat dry with a towel
Baking Soda--meant for all skin types
2-3 tsp Baking Soda
little bit of warm water

Oatmeal--meant for dry skin
1Tbsp ground oat flour
1tsp lemon juice
2tsp plain yogurt

Witch Hazel

Steam--water should never be more than 104 degrees when using,
because it can burn your skin-when water is the correct temp place
your face over bowl and put a towel over your head and breath
in deep and enjoy--steam for 10-15 min
Plain Water
4c Water--you can have less depending on how deep or
shallow your bowl is
4c Water (boiling)
4Tbsp rosemary and/or sage
Allow the herbs to steep in hot water. Allow water to cool down
enough to feel comfortable to use
Herbal Mint
4c Water (boiling)
4 Herbal Mint tea bags or a hand full of fresh mint slightly crushed
Allow the Mint to steep in the hot water. Allow water to cool down
enough to feel comfortable to use

Masks--avoid the eye area and gently place on face--allow to sit on
face for 10-15 minutes
Oatmeal and Honey--meant for all skin types
3Tbsp ground oat flour
2Tbsp honey
Mix the honey and oat flour--if it's too thick add a little water to the

Oatmeal--meant for dry skin
3Tbsp ground oat flour
2Tbsp milk or cream (use the highest cream count)
Mix ingredients

Eye Soothers--place on closed eyes and relax--10-15 min--this step
can be used when you using your mask
Black Tea
Black tea contains tannins which helps to redue puffiness and dark
circles. The cheaper the better, because the less expensive seems to
have more tannins

Thin slices of cucumber (thin enough to bend)

Moisturizer--avoid the eye area--gently apply with your finger tips
in a circular motion
Olive oil

Coconut oil

Sunscreen--I don't use any chemical sunscreen on my face, but I
just use clothing, hat and sun glasses in the summer to protect
myself from getting too much sun

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