Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sept The Month of Service

Our ward helped make the trailer park look nice---many of the young children and women painted the fence that surrounds the court--this is my hand after painting--other's got it a lot worst, hahaha, but had a lot of fun serving

That night I helped out by supervising a game at the heritage festival---this is a picture of a women dressed up as a pioneer 
One of the games was to see how fast you could take down the laundry---old looking stuff--bloomers, hahahaha 

Sack races---at the end of this particular race both children fell

A day of service that the Stake Relief Society put on---here we are making barrettes with pretty flowers for little girls at an orphanage in South America---there were a lot of service projects this day; quilts (for new borns), blankets, head bands (for cancer patients), food storage (for the needy), crocheted hats (for the needy) and Christmas stockings (for the elderly at a nursing home)---It was a GREAT day!!

Nothing feels better than serving others!!

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